Ethereum: Unsupported keys: rpcUrl when adding Binance smart chain to metamask using ethers.js

Here’s an article with a solution for the issue you’re facing:

Ethereum: unsupported keys: rpcurl when adding binance smart chain to metamask using ethers.js

Are you experienced difficulture Adding the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network to Your Metamask Wallet Using Ethers.js? You’ve likely encountered an “unsupported keys” error, which can be frustrating. In this article, We’ll Explore Why This Error Occurs and Provide a Solution to Add the BSC Network to Your Metamask Wallet.

What’s going on with ethers.js?

Ethers.js is a popular javascript library for interacting with the ethereum blockchain. When you’re trying to add the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network to Your Metamask Wallet Using Ethers.js, there are Several Potential Issues That Might Be Causing the “Unsupported Keys” Error.

The issue: Unsupported Keys

When adding the BSC Network to a New Metamask Wallet, Ethers.js Requires a Specific RPC URL (RPCURL) to Establish Communication with the Ethereum Blockchain. However, if this rpc url is not coperly configured, ethers.js will throw an “unsupported keys” error.

Why does it happen?

Here are some reasons Why ethers.js might throw an “unsupported keys” Error When Adding the BSC Network:

  • Incorrect RPC URL : If the rpcurl is incorrect or missing, ethers.js may not be able to communicate with the ethereum blockchain.

  • Incorrect provider Settings : When using a web3 provider like metamask, you need to set up the provider correctly to use the BSC Network.

  • Incompatible Wallets : Some wallets, Including Metamask, Might Not Support Adding the BSC Network.

How to add binance smart chain to your metamask wallet

To add the BSC Network to Your Metamask Wallet Using Ethers.js, Follow these Steps:

  • Install ethers.js: npm install ethers.js 'or' yarn add ethers.js

  • Initialize a new metamask wallet with the “binance smart chain” provider: “new web3.providers.httpprovider (” “);

  • Use theethers.jslibrary to interact with your wallet: const web3 = new web3 (provider);


To Troubleshoot and Resolve the "Unsupported Keys" Error, Try the Following:

  • Check your RPC URL

    Ethereum: Unsupported keys: rpcUrl when adding Binance smart chain to metamask using ethers.js

    : Ensure that you're using the correct RPC URL for your metamask provider.

  • Verify provider Settings : Verify that you've set up your wallet correctly to use the BSC Network.

  • use a compatible wallet

    : Try using a different wallet that supports adding the BSC Network, such as metamask or trust wallet.

Example code:

Here's an Example of how you can add the BSC Network to Your Metamask Wallet Using Ethers.js:


Const Web3 = Require (‘Web3’);

Const provider = new web3.providers.httpprovider (“

Const web3 = New Web3 (provider);

// Add binance smart chain to your metamask wallet

Web3.eth.addchain ({

Chainid: 100, // BSC Network Chain ID

Name: “Binance Smart Chain”,


// Get the list of available chains

Web3.eth.getchainid (), web3.eth.chainid ();


By following thesis steps and using a compatible library like ethers.js, you should be able to add the bSc network to your metamask wallet successful. If you’re still experienced issues, Feel Free to Ask!

Bybit Worldcoin

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