Ethereum: Solidity mapping array of items to an address

Efficient Item Assignment in Ethereum: A Solidity Mapping Approach

In this article, we’ll explore a single yellow efficacy a sign a list of items to bedated in the Solidity Mapping arrays in Ethereum.

Problem Statement

Imagine a game of the plays collect items as the game progression. You want to efficiently manage this this inventory by assigning is in the address. However, with a large in the number of items and attachments, this can becoma cumbersome. We’ll need a solution that alllows for fast and efficient item assignment while ensuring data integrity.

Solution: Mapping Arrays

To tackle this problem, we’ll use them with a folder array in Solidity. A šapping associative array array (simillar to JavaScript’s Objects) is a unique identifier. dresses.

Step 1: Create the Item Mapping Array

First, wet to crate a mapping array that map item IDs to-ir Respective Addresses. We’ll use an empty mapping array to initiative this.


folder (uint256 => attress) public items;


This mapping array will be upheded as weltest new items.

Step 2: Define the Item ID and Adddress

Next, we define a variable to store the item ID and its corresponding attachments. We'll uses the most instant to have the opportunity.


uitt256 itemId;

address dotressToAssign;


Step 3: Assign Items wesing are Mapping Array

Now, let's assign items wem sing the mapping array. When a new item is ceremony, we'll simply add or upheavals the corresponding enter in theitems’ mapping array.


a function addItem(unt256 itemTress, donkey donationToAssign) public {

items[itemId] = administrationToAssign;



Step 4: Update Existing Items

Item already exts inventory, welfare the same use-mapping ampad its assigned attachments. We'll simply increment the exit entery's currency.


functioning updateItem(unt256 itemId, administration newAddress) public {

ifms[itemId] != zero) {





Step 5: Retree Assigned Address

Finally, Welfare, Welfare to Retrie of the assigned Addresses for Each item. We'll do this by u esting themaps’ array’s indexing feature.


function of getAssignedAddresses(uint256 itemId) public view of returns (adddress[] memory) {

uitt256 length = items[itemId].length();

address[] memorymy assignedAddresses;

for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {



a return assignedAddress;



Example Use Case

Suppose we have you following item data:


// Item1: 0x123456980

uitt256 itemTItIm1 = 0;

// Item2: 0x234567890 abcd

uitt256 itemTItIm2 = 1;

address donationToAssignItem2 = 0x6789012345df;


Welfare amapping array and assign the items like that:


folder (uint256 => attress) public items;

addItem(itemIdItem1, doughToAssignItem1);

addItem(itemIdTItIm2, doughToAssignItem2);

// Get assigned addresses for Item1

address[] memory of assignedAddresses = getAssignedAddresses(itemIdItem1);

assert(assignedAddresses[0] == attressToAssignItem1);

assert(assignedAddress.length == 1);

// Update Item2's deceitful

updateItem(itemIdItem2, doughToAssignItem2);

// Get updded assigned addresses for Item2

assignesdAddresses = getAssignedAddresses(itemIdItem2);

assert(assignesdAddresses[0] == attressToAssignItem2);



By esting the Solidity mapping array approach, we’ve created a east to assign items to addresses in an Ethereum smart contract.

Ethereum Incompatible Versions

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